#RadChicks Contract Negotiation Webinar
Featuring special guest: AIMEE LOWE, JD
Sponsored by Northwest Mutual
Recorded Event will be available soon!

Part 1 : Aimee Lowe, JD
Topics which will be addressed by powerhouse attorney Aimee Lowe, JD:
1. Types of contracts – part time/ full time
2. How to find an attorney / do you need one?
3. What to say/what to do during negotiations
4. Overlooked sections of contracts
30 min
Aimee Lowe, JD
“An Evening with Pareto” – contract negotiation slide deck by Aimee Lowe, JD
Part 2 : Sam Holowka and Brian Ford
Two finance advisors from Northwest Mutual will discuss the following topics:
1. Negotiating power from pre-existing benefits
2. Salary expectations – short/long term. Limitations?
3. Compensation structure impact on loans, savings, and budget a lifestyle now AND in the future?
What are your covered benefits per the contract? Health insurance? Long term disability? 401(k)/403(b) access? ASK because it impacts the take home income and taxes.
What is the malpractice insurance agreement? When will you need to pay it yourself? After the first year? How much is it? Again, impacts budget.
4. Value of 1099 contract vs. W2 (Tax consequences, flexibility, savings, benefits)
30 min.
Samantha Holowka
“Financial planning considerations when negotiating a contract” – contract negotiation slide deck by Samantha Holowka
Agnieszka Solberg, MD & Taj Kattapuram, MD
Thank you to all who called in to the webinar!
Recording will be available in several days.
Samantha Holowka:
Aimee Lowe, JD
Agnieszka Solberg, MD
Taj Kattapuram, MD

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